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Find out that your presence is a gift!

Find out that your presence is a gift!

For the third year this year, the 30-day online meeting of women organized by the Society of the Heart of Jesus will begin in May, the purpose of which is to find our true femininity, which God dreamed of for us. If you want to have fun and get to know the beauty of your femininity, you still have a chance to apply!

Saying Yes to God, My Life, and Others – It might sound so simple, but it’s not. In the thirty days of spiritual practice–allowing Mary’s femininity and everyday life close to us–we can find our true femininity, which God dreamed of for us. We may discover that our existence is a gift to many; The more you say yes to my life as a gift, the more you become a life-giver: To care for my loved ones, and to promote the mental, intellectual, and spiritual growth of others.

Organized by the Heart of Jesus Society for the third time this year I say yes Online women’s retreat. This year – in addition to the fully renewed content – The organizers are also preparing a surprise: Brother Hugo Goya, Father Zoltan Hoszti, János Lakvi and Jirgo Sovges also address spiritual practitioners. Participants will receive retreat materials each morning in the early hours of the morning at the email address provided during registration.

In this spiritual exercise, the organizers invite you to let go

  • Revive your relationship with God through prayer

  • The supportive and carrying force of the community – being on the road with fellow pilgrims

  • So that the accomplishments and gifts of grace you receive through prayer will manifest in your daily life

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It is important to know that you are not alone on the road! The community of spiritual practice is accompanied by priests every day at Mass: thirty of them pray for us, from Hungary and Transylvania to Canada! The spiritual practice community is internationally and age-diverse: To date, women between the ages of 14 and 88 from 27 countries have applied, more than 3,900 of them! It is wonderful to see that there are also spiritual practitioners from faraway countries of the world – Australia, Kuwait, Japan, Syria, New Zealand.

Participation in the retreat is free. There is no cost to you. You can apply by clicking here And with this you should follow it Say yes to your Facebook page Where you can also find materials for daily meditation.

It may help you to access spiritual practice if you read it This summary About the different methods of prayer that you will encounter during the retreat. If you have some time, set up a suitable place for prayer, a prayer corner, where you can be more deeply with God during the 30 days!

If you have a companion in your environment that you would like to recommend a spiritual practice to, forward the application link to her so that this month will be full of blessings and blessings for her too! Organisers: SJC Erika Balla, SJC Beáta Tyukodi, Annamária Jacsó, Bolda Szebedy and Erika Békési accompany each spiritual practitioner with love and prayer.

Click here for more information!



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