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Fleur Tommy completely stripped himself, Telex surrendered to the horse

Fleur Tommy completely stripped himself, Telex surrendered to the horse

In addition to Fluor, of course, there is also one of the left-wing media, the always fair and objective Telex. panic Seeing the list of award recipients, one political publisher wrote:

“I have been following the fate of the Petőfi Music Prize (PZD) for years, grinning and cursing, as few events in the last 15 years have shown a lack of vision, professionalism or just an idea of ​​how Hungarian pop music can be rewarded. We have now reached the point where in which prizes were handed out for the upkeep of the yard in front of a paying audience on the A38 occupied by the NER, for after two-thirds of 13 years, why should attention be paid to appearances. (…)”

According to the author, it is evident that true professionalism would be if the scattered formations against the government won awards.


But these incredibly malicious, envious, and distasteful manifestations should only be understood as the fact that if left-liberals are so ready for a music prize, we are certainly on the right track, and professionalism will decide in the end.

Congratulations to the award winners!

Cover photo: Fleur Tommy [Karácson Tamás] A singer at the concert of the band Wellhello at Hősök Square in Budapest on September 28, 2019 (Source: MTI / Balázs Mohai)

To watch all of PTSD, click here!

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