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Four weeks ago, he went ice skating at Lake Virtue, and he's been searching for it ever since

Four weeks ago, he went ice skating at Lake Virtue, and he's been searching for it ever since

February 13, 2024 – 11:35 am

Virtu in Illmich, Austria, January 11, 2024 – Photograph: Robert Geiger/APA/AFP

Marta Nagy

The man, who has been searched for by fire boats and drones equipped with sonar since he disappeared on January 15, was skiing near the city of Rust. The ice covering the surface of the lake has since melted, but researchers have so far only found the backpack of the man from the Baden area of ​​Awka (Ogaw).

It's police spokesman Helmut Marban ORF Burgenlandnack He said in a statement that they would not give up the search, but because of the strong winds, it was very difficult for several days
Their works. The lake is searched by dividing it into sectors, where boats equipped with sonar scan the water as it moves very slowly, at a speed of 1-2 kilometers per hour.

Drones have also been used in the search, and they plan to use dogs to search for the man and evidence that could explain his disappearance. Even police boats have been put on the water and their crews are also searching for the 55-year-old skier.

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