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From Gyurcsany’s secret service waiting room to the US Embassy

From Gyurcsany’s secret service waiting room to the US Embassy
  • Zoltán Somogyi began his career in the SZDSZ stable, then in 2002 founded the Political Capital Analysis firm, which became one of the leading left-wing think tanks of the socialist era.
  • The payment of political capital became so important to the socialists that the company signed a contract with the then National Security Office and provided ridiculous PR advice and photos to the counterintelligence for 190 million Hungarian forints.
  • After the change of government in 2010, Zoltan Somogyi remained active in public life and, according to press reports, was involved in the renaming of Jobbik.
  • He maintains good relations with Soros’ organizations, and the Grave Foundation has supported political capital with large sums.
  • With funding from the US Embassy in Budapest, in February 2020, Zoltán Somogyi’s interest, Splendidea Communications Kft, launched a social networking site called Nyugati Pályán.
  • In Nyugátí Pálya, American propaganda is distributed in the Hungarian language, at the expense of American taxpayers.

The picture will slowly be completed, and a global network will emerge, whose center and financial resources are in certain interest groups in the United States, and whose tentacles of the American octopus consist of Hungarian left-wing politicians and representatives. In previous parts of our series of articles, we have presented how this network is structured and how it attempts to impose American interests. We have uncovered the connections offshore, namely the Hungarian politicians who are the most important players in the US influence campaign. This time, he will not be a career politician, but rather a sociologist and businessman, yet an equally important figure in the operation of the network.

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From SZDSZ to Soros

Zoltan Somogyi worked for the Union of Free Democrats (SZDSZ) in the 1990s, and in a later interview described this political formation as the one he was closest to. In 1998, Somogyi was campaign manager for representative candidate Georgie Harris and was also involved in organizing the so-called Liberal Academy.

In 2002, together with his business partner Christian Szabados, also of SZDSZ, he started the analysis firm Policy Capital (PC), where György Jaksiti, who remains popular on the left to this day, joined his company Eclipse Rt. Ferenc Gyurcsány saw imagination in the work of the Somogyi family, who worked on the prime minister’s 2004 programme.

But they also played a role in the fact that the formerly right-wing Hungarian Democratic Forum gradually began to overlook the left and the Austrian Socialist Workers’ Party from 2003. Since 2003, Somogyi has advised party chairman David Ibolya, and in 2004, the Defense of Democracy organization gained access to The European Parliament narrowly assisted them.

There is no doubt that during the Gyurcsány and Bagnaj governments, political capital was one of the leading think tanks behind the government side.

Policy Capital acquired so much capital that it turned into a group of companies, and other companies were created by the founders, so by 2006, Somogyi and Szabados had interests in Capital Group Rt., which deals with asset management, Privy Council Kft. . GPS Capital Kft., which is organized for business communications consulting, among others. For lobbyists, Capital Research Kft. Specialized in public opinion research.

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News portal Hírszerzo was a member of the company group, which was acquired by HVG Online Zrt. in 2010, and its journalists became the recognizable faces of the subsequent news portal and many other left-liberal media outlets.

At the time, the Somogyis had among their clients the Soros network’s Ökotárs Foundation, which in the 2000s became known for its left-liberal bias and its role as a fund distributor, whose most important mission currently is to fund important NGOs. From the government. Interestingly, the name GPS Capital also appeared in the BKV scandal, where the carrier asked them to conduct studies in exchange for 33 million forints, which, according to contemporary press reports, contained completely infantile information.

Political Capital was a prominent “client” of the György Soros Foundation, and the Open Society Foundations supported the Somogyi family with $295,000 between 2016 and 2021 alone, more than 100 million Hungarian forints at today’s exchange rate.

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