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Google Bicycle Route Planner is already available in Hungary

Google Bicycle Route Planner is already available in Hungary

The government commissioner for active Hungary announced at a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday that, after several years of preparation, Google has expanded the cycling app for the route planner to Hungary.

Marius Reeves hopes that more people will sit on the bikes and own the order, which has previously been given extensive cooperation for almost 3 years, with the help of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Cycling NGOs were also involved in the preparations, and Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt and Budapest Közút Zrt provided their road databases for this purpose, he explained.

The route scheme includes all bike paths in the capital, while about 80 percent are rural, said Pal Biro, head of Google in Hungary, but is expected to be completed within weeks.

As I said,

Because of the pandemic, many people have switched to bicycles in Hungary, so the app is one of the first in the region to be offered here.

He added that among the neighboring countries, it can only be used in Austria, and in the wider region it includes only Poland.

He hopes that cycling is now safer, with feedback from route planner users.

Biking trails appear in the usual Google Route Planner interface, along with walking and public transportation options. He said the app displays all routes, takes into account conditions that make cycling difficult, and favors easier routes.

Cover image illustration.

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