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Google Chrome will be more secure

Google Chrome will be more secure

Updates will come frequently.

You can regularly hear about hacker attacks against Google Chrome, but the company’s new practice may improve the situation. The tech giant announced that semi-weekly security updates will now appear weekly, reducing the time available to malicious actors, he writes. sleeping computer.

The new roadmap started with Google Chrome version 116, which was released a few days ago.

As explained by Google, before a new update appears in Chrome, it is tested in the Chromium open source project and in developer builds for stability, performance, and compatibility. But this trial period, which Google says is necessary, allows hackers to identify bugs before fixes reach the masses of Chrome users.

The California company has been trying to do something against abuse for years: For a long time, the average fix time was 35 days, but in 2020, with the release of Chrome 77, they switched to bi-monthly updates to reduce the risk. Now this time is also reduced.

While this is clearly good news, it is important to stress that it is not a perfect solution.

Although reducing the interval between updates stops complex bug exploits, it is not effective enough for vulnerabilities for which hackers already know the procedure. Unfortunately, the announcement only applies to desktop browsers, because the Android ecosystem makes it more difficult for Google to optimize updates for different operating systems depending on the manufacturer.

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