Google Maps, Google Maps
It shows us the users on our Gulf instead of the former Gulf of Mexico after the United States government changed the name of the geographical place.
For users outside the United States, both names appear on the Google Map: in addition to the Mexican Gulf, the Gulf name is also included in brackets.
As Google said, the common habit is usually: “If the official names are different from the country, the maps of the users see the official local name. In the rest of the world, everyone sees the two names. This also applies here.
The technology giant announced a few days ago, noting its long practice, which will undertake the name changes after “updating the names in official government sources.”
The American Geographical Names Council named the Gulf on Monday to the Gulf between the southern coast of the United States and the eastern coast of Mexico, after US President Donald Trump ordered the geographical region to change.
According to the decree, the name change applies to the area on the maritime border of Mexico and Cuba.
“For us, it remains to be the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Gulf of the whole world is still.”