Although science has witnessed tremendous development throughout human history, in the 20th-21st century it is Space exploration also beganAnd now we can say with certainty that we have not found a more impressive place in the universe than our Earth. If we subtract human civilization and all its consequences, even then the species richness we encounter is absolutely astonishing: from the depths of the oceans to the tops of mountains, from hot, dry deserts to lush rainforests, life abounds in an incredibly diverse form.
There's an animal that defecates in the shape of a cube, and scientists already know why
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That person is already very kind Birds have long been in aweWe certainly know this from countless myths: just think of the story of Icarus and Daedalus, or the Hungarians' relationship with the mythical Turul bird. In fact, it can be seen: Although space flight has become possible since the flight experiments of the Wright Brothers, jets cut through the air at speeds several times faster than the speed of sound, and the free flight of birds in the sky is beyond the reach of humans. .
There are no numbers for exotic birds, in today's article we would like to present one of the most interesting things from the world of ornithology: the strange habit of pelicans.
Scientists have discovered an insect reminiscent of ancient Egypt, and examined the new species with a shudder
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The whole appearance of the pelican looks as if it came out of a cartoon movie. By the way, the funny-looking bird is a rather voracious predator: fish are never safe from it, but we have already seen a video on the Internet where pigeons swallow together in parks. One of its strangest biological features is related to its spine: when it yawns, it pushes the whole thing out from its neck, and retracts the lower, larger, more flexible part of its beak, or in technical language, its throat pouch, which presents a very strange sight:
If you are a fan of curiosities related to the animal world, be sure to read our article below, which reveals to you what is the most dangerous animal based on research:
Show what the scariest animal is – even lions run away when they hear his voice
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