Two new core courses will begin next fall at Corvinus University in Budapest and, in addition to Data Science in Business, you will also be able to enroll in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
University website He quotes Richard Szanto, Dean in charge of undergraduate courses at Corvinus, who said of the course of Philosophy, Politics and Economics that these three areas have been taught together at Oxford for about 100 years, and that the course has the greatest traditions there. For example, David Cameron, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Abbott, the former Prime Minister of Australia, and even Bill Clinton, the former President of the USA, completed this course at Oxford, which, as Dean in other words, an acquaintance jokingly called “The Prime Minister – he calls it” formation “.
In Central Europe the six-year course is only available in a few places, and in the second half students choose a major, two in total.
Another new discipline is data science in business, which consists of three main pillars – the methodological part includes mathematical and statistical foundations, the other is IT knowledge, and the third is business knowledge.