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How long will it take to colonize other planets?

How long will it take to colonize other planets?

Many of us doubt whether humans will ever be able to live on other planets. The solar system is still easily accessible, but what about planets outside the solar system? It’s one thing to inhabit Mars, but will humanity be able to leave the small, cramped solar system it calls home?

Elon Musk has said many times that by 2050 he would like to see a city of at least a million people on Mars. We still have about 27 years to make that happen. is it enough? This is a brave statement compared to the fact that no one has walked on Mars yet, but half of Budapest’s population should be transported there immediately.

The colonization issue mostly depends on the planet to be colonised. the Live Science In the case of Mars, talking about decades is not surreal, said Serkan Saidam, deputy director of the Australian Aerospace Engineering Centre. According to him, it is possible to establish a Mars colony by 2050. The opinion of the expert is that the issue of the Mars colony is standing or located. Water on Mars can be obtained from ice or water crystals. If there is water, it is possible to cultivate the land, and it is also possible to produce fuel from hydrogen.

However, the feasibility of the mission does not mean that there will actually be a colony on Mars by 2050. Some, like aerospace engineer Louis Friedman, are more pessimistic about the future. According to him, the colonization of Mars is not likely at all in the near future. However, it is very likely that humanity will not be able to reach Mars for a long time, as China plans to send humans to the Red Planet in 2033, while NASA plans to send humans to the Red Planet in the late third decade of the current century at the earliest.


Colonization requires a certain degree of self-sufficiency, with some products only needing to be imported occasionally. In order for Mars to be self-sufficient, it must produce. Here, the potential lies mostly in mining and space tourism. But Mars isn’t ideal for colonization either, since its atmosphere is 95 percent carbon dioxide, it’s cold, and it takes a spacecraft from Earth about 8.5 months to reach the planet. In addition, even the radiation is higher due to the weakening of the planet’s magnetic field, and even the possibility of instant communication is lost due to the distance.

Another option is to look for planets that are more suitable, but located outside the solar system. So far, two spacecraft have left the solar system in 41 and 35 years, respectively, and they should go much further. It would take tens of thousands of years to reach the nearest planet with current technology. Interstellar flight lengths will probably decrease in the future, but they are still a long way off at the moment. Based on current ideas, interstellar colonization would certainly require multigenerational spaceships, which would need about 500 people to start with to keep the population stable.

In any case, the issue of colonialism remains a burning issue and will likely be a defining element for decades to come. It is also important to add that colonialism is not the same as reclamation. In other words, “Martians” probably wouldn’t be able to walk on Mars without protective gear for centuries, if not thousands of years.

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