Friday, February 10, 2023 09:24
According to press information, the Hungarian Grand Prix may be the most expensive European race in F1: here is the full list of races in 2023.
the RacingNews365.com track it down, how much does a venue pay to host a Formula 1 Grand Prix, because in recent years the sites of many legendary tracks have been compromised in the racing calendar for similar reasons. The portal writes that its own sources include the promoters of individual races, the Formula 1 administration itself, and the 10 Formula 1 teams, on the basis of which it compiled the supposed list.
On this list, according to information gathered by RacingNews365, Paco pays over $57 million, but Saudi Arabia and Qatar also hit the podium with $55 million each. The amount of Miami and Las Vegas is not included, but Bahrain also exceeds 50 million, and Abu Dhabi also avoids 40 million.
In this list, the portal states no less than the ownership of the Hungarian Grand Prix is $40 million, which makes the race in Mogyorod the most expensive European race at the moment and, in general, ranks right behind the top.
Figures from RacingNews365:
Country Kings in Dollars
Bahrain 52 million
Saudi Arabia 55 million
Australia 37 million
Azerbaijan 57 million
USA/Miami Co
Imola 21 million
Monaco 20 million
Spain 25 million
Canada 32 million
Austria 25 million
UK 26 million
Hungary 40 million
Belgium 22 million
Netherlands 32 million
Monza 25 million
Singapore 35 million
Japan 25 million
Qatar 55 million
USA/Austin 30 million
Mexico 30 million
Brazil 25 million
USA/Las Vegas in collaboration
Abu Dhabi 42 million
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