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How Trump’s conspiracy theories prompted some to call for a boycott of the Senate in Georgia

How Trump’s conspiracy theories prompted some to call for a boycott of the Senate in Georgia

President Donald Trump’s lies about stealing the election from him have unintended consequences: There are now members of his base calling on Republicans not to vote in the Georgia run-off for two vital Senate seats.

The Democrats could control the US Senate if Reverend Raphael Warnock and John Oseff defeat the incumbent Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue in the upcoming runoffs. But Trump has harmed his party’s cause by attacking two Republican state officials – Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Ravensberger, a Republican Trump insulted as “Reno” or Republican in name only. Supposed to be involved in Far-fetched scheme To throw the state presidential election for Joe Biden. (In fact, both Ravensburger and Kemp are Trump supporters.)

A faction of Trump’s base – including PAC with ties to Roger Stone – has seen Trump’s plot and attacks on Kemp and Ravensberger as a call to stay away from the run-off rounds. The grumblings were big enough. On Monday, Donald Trump Jr felt compelled to intervene with a tweet in which he refused to talk about withholding votes from Purdue and Loofler and called it “meaningless,” adding, “We need all of our employees to come out. To vote for Kelly and David.”

The irony, however, is that the Trump fans he warned Don the son are simply taking their cues from his father, who continues to promote unfounded conspiracy theories about election stealing even after that. Support him half-heartedly The General Services Department moved Monday evening to officially begin moving to Biden.

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Trump fans are already refusing to believe Trump’s loss

On the right-wing social media platform Parler, investigative journalist Marcus Param has it Documented How do posters say things like “Don’t vote! Don’t be part of corruption” and “With Dominion voting machines, our votes won’t be counted anyway. The only way to show corruption is to boycott the election or write in Donald Trump instead.”

Of course, the notion that the fraud involved in Dominion Voting Systems, an electronic voting system used across the country, somehow falsified the Joe Biden election. Dream of Evidence-Free MAGA Fever. But it was Trump pushes him relentlessly He is at the center of the demands he continued to raise on Tuesday Election re-election.

The notion that Trump fans should boycott the replays in Georgia as a form of punishment against the founding Republicans resonates well beyond Parler. At the “Stop the Steal” rally held in Georgia over the weekend, for example, a speaker was encouraged while Raffensperger and Kemp attacked as “traitors” and said, “Any Republican who allows this to happen is complicit and we will annihilate you! … We will.” All it takes to completely destroy the Republican Party. ” (Trump card He tweeted his support For gathering.)

And the Randos are not the only ones asking publicly for Trump’s fans to sit in the run-off. Tuesday, Lachlan Markai and Will Sommer Books for the Daily Beast How about “conservative clients and superlative PAC with notorious relationships.” Dirty fraudster Roger Stone from the Republican Party They are calling for Trump supporters to punish Republicans by sitting down The decisive rounds in the Senate of Georgia Or write in Trump’s name instead. ”

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Meanwhile, a lawyer who worked on the Trump campaign in Georgia, L. Lyn Wood, tweeted Saturday that unless Purdue and Loeffler do more to push for an investigation into Trump’s (unfounded) allegations of fraud, “I will not vote in the run-off From GA. “

It should be noted that some of these efforts are noticeably half-baked. For example, Stone’s PAC is encouraging Trump fans to write for Trump, even though the ballot in Georgia does not allow writing. But given how close the Warnock-Loeffler and Perdue-Ossoff races are It is expected to beDemoralization of even a small fraction of the Republican electorate could swing crucial races for the Democrats.

Now that he is already on his way out of the White House, it is unclear how much Trump cares about the Republicans who maintain control of the Senate. It’s also not clear that he’s thinking about the implications of the conspiracy theories he’s been promoting, considering that only last week he endorsed Loeffler and Purdue.

But Don Jr’s tweet ignoring calls from fellow MAGA supporters about the vote illustrates one of the big challenges facing the Republican Party as it emerges from defeating Trump. Is it possible to satisfy Trump fans who refuse to believe their leader is defeated while also in a world where elections still have consequences? Early returns seem to indicate that it will be difficult.

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