Researchers at the Center for Physics Research in Hun Ren Winner, where liquid drops actively behave, have interacted particles because of the electric field. The MTI advertisement says that the results of the researchers open a new way in the world of fine technology.
Peter Solomon and Tigor Matti Marcel, researchers at the Hun Ren Winner Research Center, studied a special type that was recently discovered, recently discovered. The researchers noted that the surface of the neimichi liquid drops in the electric field becomes immediately and the Lord of pressure -like liquids develops.
While searching, they found that when they were more tense on liquid drops, they acted more extreme: they lost their drops and formed a maze -like structure. The researchers also showed that, using the transformation voltage, the drops begin in a specific frequency range to move in various forms. During movement, drops collide as particles and active organisms such as drawing insects, microbes or microbes.
According to the announcement, researchers managed to regulate the movement of drops with stress, so that the phenomenon can be used in new types of microphic devices, and the discovery can also be a practical benefit in medical diagnosis, chemical analysis and biotechnology.
The researchers also noted that this movement is accompanied by sound emissions. Explanation of the sudden phenomenon has been helped by analyzing the sound spectrum, indicating that the drops will be mechanical vibration due to the transportation. Researchers have these results in Nature Communications Posted in Magazine.
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