I Came to Love – Gabby Toth responded to the attacks on her with a touching song
There are two kinds of art: the stunt of “recognized” performers who have risen to a pedestal by the prevailing liberal elite, usually wearied by the rattling and attacking of those who do not conform to their ideals, and what is there for art itself conveys value and cares little about it, whether It matches the trend until you find your audience. A favorite of liberal artists, Gabe Toth could easily have been a favorite, as she began her career from showcasing talent on a commercial channel, and her appearance is not that of a typical conservative housewife. If he lay down his waist, he would probably now be one of the left’s favorite housewives, and instead stick to his principles and endure the wave of hatred that followed his performance at the Eucharistic Conference. And now in his last song, he responded to the attacks on him.
This song could not be more relevant, as we light the fourth candle today, the flame of love. We are preparing in spirit for the birth of Jesus, the greatest celebration of Christian culture, Christmas. Believers and non-believers alike feel the importance of this. It is no coincidence that the clip was filmed in Holuko, a place worthy of the song. This enthusiastic little settlement of three hundred in the mountains is like a fairytale world. It takes you back in time and enchants with its beauty, ambiance and historical traditions. You feel like you’ve come home. Here you can experience the past and the present at the same time. The kindness and generosity of the people who live here are an example to follow. Thanks again for everything.
Gabi Tóth’s latest song is for someone who feels he chooses love over hate and believes it can be the solution to most everyday problems. It is up to all of us where this world is headed.
If we maintain some childish honesty, we are already on the right track. It doesn’t matter what we leave for the next generation after us. For our children and grandchildren. Let’s keep the flame of our being and write a story from the heart, perhaps this is the key to happiness. Let’s believe in it and it will come true!
Source: PS