On October 12, Lagos Party Nagy will turn 70 years old, and on this occasion his collected and new poems will be published. from right to left With the poet.
Poet Lajos Parti Nagy will read a twelve-hour reading of The Iliad at the Audrey Theater of the University of Theater and Film in Budapest on 22 March 2019.
Photo: Marton Munos/MTI/MTVA
The newspaper reported that Erdos Viraj is one In an interview He said that, in his opinion, in 2020, riding a bike with the Joseph Attila Trophy in your backpack is still less bad than living on an MMA, NKA or Térey scholarship, for example.
Parti Naji agrees:
“I try not to accept anything from this system. We have nothing to do with each other, except that I have been a member of the Digital Literary Academy from the beginning, which was founded in 1998, that is, when the current owner of the Petofi Literary Museum was still a university student, that is, it was not founded By NER.”
He also said that: “What Viraj is saying is very respectful, but what should one say to those who find themselves in a situation where they are simply unable not to accept such support? What would you say to a film director? But slowly, these electoral positions will not be available for me to accept or accept, “Because she simply sweeps away everything that doesn’t come from her golden Mercedes. And they don’t even make a special secret out of it.”
Arpad Schilling, a theater director living in France, spoke last week about the fact that those who work in the field of culture basically have to live and support their families on state support, and a large part of these people live with bitterness and self-doubt. – The devastating feeling that they are completely unaccepted and at the same time part of an unchangeable system. “I do not condemn those who, out of necessity and not by choice, are forced to endure obvious oppression and humiliation. I feel very sorry for all those who did not have the opportunity to leave from there, even though they really wanted to. I know many of these people. A lot is painful,” he said. “.