These days, the actual PC versions are increasingly pushed to the background. Despite this, many people are still fans of the disc versions, for obvious reasons.
06.02.2024 – There is no doubt that these days disc games are disappearing more and more. “Digital” versions are also more common in the case of consoles, and you can even find consoles without disc readers. The PC trend is also similar, with platforms like Steam and the Epic Games Store dominating for years. Despite this, many people still prefer to own the games in a physical copy. On the one hand, it also looks good on the shelf, and on the other hand, thanks to this, it will definitely not be removed from the specified account in one click, if the publisher thinks so.
Original post: IDDQD
There are quite a few collectors who have hundreds or even thousands of PC/console games on their shelves. However, there are also those for whom these records have no sentimental value, so they discard them with noble simplicity. Everyone must have seen the discarded CD/DVD boxes and discs landing in the innocent trash. However, it appears that someone or some people in Budapest have done a really big clean-up in the last few days, and shocking photos have come to light.
Thousands of packed PC games have appeared on the streets of Budapest
The above post is general IDDQD The collection was posted by the uploader. These images can be sad for many people on many levels, as we can see in the recordings discs and boxes of thousands of old and new games. Moreover, if we watch more carefully, we can even spot the Steam box and other charging cards on it.
There were people who visited the place immediately
Naturally, speculation immediately began among the comments about who might have committed the act. It was not possible to find a clear answer to this, but it is certain that the action can be linked to a company, as 10-20 of some tablets were placed in a box. The comments also revealed that many people threw themselves into the group in the hours following the post, and by February 6 there were not many left on the ground. These toys certainly ended up in better hands than if they had ended up in the incinerator. But the biggest question remains: Who and why committed this heinous act?
Not worth pre-ordering GTA VI-five:
GTA VI is now available for pre-order for $48,000, but it's best to wait