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If you vote for me, you won't have to vote anymore.

If you vote for me, you won't have to vote anymore.

July 27, 2024 – 12:08 PM

On Friday, Donald Trump made an unusual promise at a campaign event for radical Christians in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Republican presidential candidate, appealing to Christian support, said if he wins the election now, Christians will never have to vote again. “Just this one time. Then you won’t have to vote anymore. Four more years. You know what? We’ll fix everything and you won’t have to vote anymore, beautiful Christians. I love you Christians.” Quoted The president was promoted by Rolling Stone and then by Trump so that no Christian would miss the message: “Come on, go vote! You don’t have to vote in four years! We’re going to fix things so well that you don’t have to vote.”

Trump probably didn’t think that by canceling the presidential election, he would find a special place as the country’s leader. He also promised that if he won, he would elect a supreme judge to the council — which acts as a sub-court and whose members are elected for life — who would ensure that religious freedom is preserved.

Thanks to Trump’s nominations in the previous term, the Supreme Court majority is already made up of those who share Trump’s views—as also indicated by his downgrading of abortion regulation from the federal to the state level, paving the way for radical religious abortion bans in states led by far-right Republicans—and another nomination would secure that majority for many years.

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Trump has also previously said he would like to be a dictator for a day. “You know why? Because I want to build a wall and dig, dig, dig.” Advertise At a Christian youth meeting last year. The wall means suppressing immigration, and repeated drilling means more intensive extraction of minerals, even at the expense of environmental protection.

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