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If you're also talking to your dog, you should know this – I'm not sure if it's a good idea – soul and body

If you're also talking to your dog, you should know this – I'm not sure if it's a good idea – soul and body

Not only for the dog owner, the constant flow of information a person encounters during the day can be tiring, but also for the dog.

You should know this if you are used to talking to your dog as well

My dog ​​magazine This time he looked at a really interesting issue that affects all owners. We talk and talk with your pet, but he understands very little of this. But is this useful and reassuring for him or could it become a problem?

With the help of an expert, the newspaper investigated the causes of the phenomenon, as well as what should be paid attention to when it comes to communication between the owner and the dog. Click here and read the article!

Dilemma Podcast

the dilemma's podcast, covering a topic worth discussing in each podcast. the In the last episode We dissected the topic of motherhood. Are moms the really bad cops and dads the good cops? Are mothers alone in today's world? What is the situation of mothers returning to work in Hungary? Are maternal flu vaccines frustrating? Influential mother Nora Simgin, as well as Aage Fehr, editor-in-chief of Femina magazine, and host Ada Pinter, sought answers to these questions, among others.


Cover image: Getty Images Hungary

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