The stakes are rising, and six girls have already left the Next Top Model Hungary villa, so the contestants are using all tactics against the others. This also includes psychological warfare, of which Cynthia Surdas seems to be taking the worst despite her performance being the weakest so far. This has been noticed by her rivals as well, and they are not afraid to tell her, even though Senti constantly breaks down in tears due to the harsh words.
Sinti, I'll be honest with you. I'm so surprised you're still here
Lily Kivhazi told Sentifeel frankly. All this before a very difficult and important task. However, the 22-year-old beauty was unaffected by this opinion at the time:
When Lily told me to my face that she didn't understand exactly what I was looking for here, I wasn't surprised, because a lot of girls feel the same way. I think I'm not here for nothing and I'm still here for nothing, so I'll show you everything
– Sinti responded to the accusation and then announced it He was actually eliminated during the first broadcast, and then in the second broadcast, thanks to the jury, he came back with Lily, so it's no less surprising that he's still here.
I thought Leda would come back faster than you
– He replied, and Lily only told him that this showed how bad their judgment was.