Jansa described it as unprecedented that despite the bad weather, even in the middle of winter, the Slovenian police arrested hundreds of illegal border violators. He added that statistics also show an increase in crime, especially in Ljubljana, and especially around refugee centres.
Instead of encouraging migration, the root causes, specifically the source of migration, should be eliminated
– said Jansa, who also criticized the previous EU policy towards Libya, Syria and some other countries.
Regarding developments in the Middle East, he explained: It is still possible to expect the arrival of a large number of migrants. The Hamas leadership has sacrificed its people […] He said it was for the interests of Iran and Russia.
The former Prime Minister called for the reintroduction of compulsory military service in Slovenia.
The debate was held under tight security, with the local Baloldal organization (Levica), the smallest party in the three-party leftist government, calling on the Cooper Theater to cancel the event because it incites fear and hatred.
Jansa responded to the protest by saying: It is an expression of the arrogance of a party in power, which it already was before 1990. [a Jugoszláv rendszerváltást, és az ország felbomlását megelőzően] We know each other too. He added that arrogance will end just as it did then.
COVER PHOTO: Illegal migrants try to reach Europe from Africa at the port of Gran Tarajal on the Canary island of Fuerteventura on November 23, 2023, after a ship took 82 migrants on board about 120 kilometers from the island. (Photo: MTI/EPA/EFE/Carlos de Sa)