Megan Markle It gives an insight into its own world where a new series will appear soon Netflixen. the With love: Megan ((With love MeganThe first part of it will appear on Tuesday, which is the Duchess of Sussex for the participation of Tahah, craftsmanship, and a tips and tricks with viewers.
Netflix Megan and his guests pulled the sleeves and watched work in the kitchen, in the garden and outside. But it seems that kitchens and gardens in the width are huge secret They are hiding because they are not the homes of a Sussex couple, but one of their very wealthy neighbors in Montezito, California.
A farm was shot at a value of 5 million pounds (2.4 billion pounds), which is in a large private property full of beautiful avocado and lemon farms. Amazing real estate and the land are the wealthy Cibola It is owned by the family who rents a place to rotate films.
The owners, Thomas and Sherry Cibola It is in the seventies of the last century and is believed to have a real estate portfolio of about $ 20 million ($ 7.7 billion). the With love: Megan A small house for wedding parties and other events – he writes mirror.