Dog, a potato weighing about 8 pounds could be the largest potato in the world. The special crop was found in his New Zealand garden by Colin and Donna Craig Brown, who named it, MTI reports.
The couple dug up the odd-looking fruit, which at first was considered an exotic mushroom. However, when Colin cut a piece of it and tasted it, it turned out: a huge potato was found. It weighs 7.8 kg by the standards.
The couple, Craig Brown, who lived near Hamilton, found the potatoes in late August, and even built a small car to transport them around the area.
The record for the heaviest potato was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 2011: a sample of about 5 kilograms found in Britain bears the title.
The New Zealand couple has already applied to the organization for Doug’s record recognition, pending a response so far.
There are no gardening secrets, Colin explained, and it’s usually just a dose of cow dung and some straw sprinkled in the fields. As he said, cucumbers were grown in that area, but over time, weeds prevailed, potatoes were not grown at all. Doug may have grown himself, presumably able to grow for years.
They want to get vodka out of potatoes soon.