The Hungarian community is the most conservative in Romania – at least the portion that pollsters identify as DAHR voters. This was revealed in a poll conducted by the Avangarde Poll from July 9-19. The error rate in the survey of 903 people was 3.2%.
Overall, 45 percent of respondents said they were conservative, 32 percent said they got ahead, 19 percent couldn’t make up their minds, and 4 percent couldn’t or didn’t want to respond—citing the survey as
The paper asserts that the Hungarians are lithic conservatives:
The vast majority of DAHR’s electoral camp, 95%, identified themselves this way, and only 5% described themselves as progressive.
Interestingly, the majority of the left-wing Social Democratic Party (PSD) voting base does not define itself as progressive either: only 12 percent, while 68 percent said they are conservative and 20 percent otherwise.
In the National Liberal Party (PNL), the percentages were more balanced: 49 percent of the voting camp said they were conservative, 45 percent said they were progressive, and 6 percent said they were not.