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INDEX – Abroad – More people died in Romania from the Coronavirus in one week than in the revolution

INDEX – Abroad – More people died in Romania from the Coronavirus in one week than in the revolution

Nearly a quarter of Texas hospitals are full of intensive care units for patients who need care because of the coronavirus, MTI writes.

The American press reported on Tuesday that between October 8 and 14

A total of 42 intensive care facilities at the Texas hospital.

The data is published weekly by the US Department of Health (DHHS), which lists about 200 hospitals in Texas with more than four intensive care units. According to the report, the number of fully operational intensive Texas hospitals has declined since the August peak, but the data now released is still higher than what was measured during the winter boom of the pandemic.

The Texas Tribune reports that some hospitals have a major problem with not having enough staff to care for patients. Doctors fear that they will soon have to make “horrific decisions” about who to take care of and who not. According to the article, the majority of people infected with the Coronavirus who are receiving treatment in intensive care units in Texas hospitals have not received the necessary vaccinations for protection.

In a post on the Ministry of Health website, he drew attention to the fact that despite the situation, “people should not be discouraged from seeking hospital care.”

According to the New York Times, 53 percent of people in Texas have received the vaccine needed to protect against Covid-19. According to the latest data, in the southern state 5,862 new infections were recorded on Monday due to the spread of the delta variant.

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Last week, Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of Texas Regulation Companies operating in the state to make coronavirus vaccination mandatory for their employees. “As another example of excessive federal spending, the Biden administration is intimidating many private organizations with Covid-19 vaccination regulations. Abbott mentioned in the explanatory note to the regulation.

Despite the governor’s instructions, some large Texas-based companies have decided to continue requiring their employees to take the coronavirus vaccine. American Airlines and Southwest Airlines – based in the southern state They said they will not change their rules yet and will continue to meet the Biden government’s vaccination requirements.

Anthony Fauci, the White House’s chief pandemic advisor, said, “Sorry It is called the Abbott Governor’s Ordinance. We know how effective vaccines are in preventing disease, not only in individuals, but also in slowing down the dynamics of infection.” Fauci added.

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