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Index – Abroad – Pope Francis can get advice from a Hungarian woman

Index – Abroad – Pope Francis can get advice from a Hungarian woman

Thanks to the reformist activities of Pope Francis, for the first time lay people, including women, participate in meetings about the future of the Church, so the word bishop has disappeared from the name of the meeting, according to Euronews.

The Catholic Church is known for not representing women in the hierarchy, even to this day, said Clara Cesare, who was born in Transylvania and now teaches in Linz.

“This is indeed a big step forward and a great educational process, I must admit, for bishops who have not been socialized in this Church, where women, as if naturally, increasingly have the right to vote and can therefore have a say in elections,” he added. the church..

According to Cesar, it is important for those gathered to transform the old, defunct and worn-out church into a welcoming community that supports humanity in overcoming the challenges it faces.

We are moving with an increasingly wounded world, and here I am thinking in particular of the migration situation, the refugee situation, and the disasters caused by climate change, which we as human beings will increasingly face. If it takes its message seriously, the church must do something here too

He confirmed.

The Synod will be held behind closed doors for three weeks in the Vatican. According to press reports, the participants in the Synod are addressing the most sensitive topics in the Catholic Church, such as abuse of priests, celibacy, and the status of homosexuals.