German politician Boris Johnson with British Prime Minister Arrived to negotiate to the islands, but the visit also included a visit to the Queen at Windsor Castle. The two leaders took several joint photos at the beginning of the meeting.
I’m glad to be here
~ Merkel said after the joint photos. The Queen made a similar statement, saying she was very pleased to see the German politician again before leaving office (because Merkel will only remain chancellor until September).
Angela Merkel, along with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, held a press conference on Friday in which she said that restrictions on the UK will be lifted soon and then vaccinated Britons will be able to return to Germany soon. The Germans are still on May 22 closed Entry from UK due to delta variable spread.
There are still some problems with the sausage
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated at the press conference that it was still not clear how German meat products could reach Northern Ireland.
Under EU rules, frozen meat products cannot be imported from third countries at all. However, since Brexit, the UK has also been a third country.
In the case of Northern Ireland, an exception has been granted to the above regulation, which will remain in place until September, but Boris Johnson has indicated that he wants to find a long-term solution to the problem.
Imagine what it would be like if the sausage was not transferred from Dortmund to Düsseldorf due to the decision of an international court, everyone will consider this exceptional. This is also the case, so we need to solve it
– said the British Prime Minister, adding that as the German chancellor used to say, with sufficient patience and good faith, the problem will be addressed.
Merkel is sad about the match
Merkel also indicated in half a sentence that she was “a bit sad” about the 2-0 defeat England suffered in Soccer-eb.
This time I’m glad you broke the tradition
Johnson responded, noting that the last time England beat Germany before Tuesday’s game was in a major international soccer tournament in 1966.