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Index – Abroad – The latest conflict between Rome and Paris was caused by a series on Netflix

An unexpected topic sparks debate between French President Emmanuel Macron and Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri, with both politicians talking about how much they would like Netflix's Emily in Paris to be set in their country.

An interview with the French president was published on Wednesday diversen, where Macron spoke, among other things, about how good it would be for Emily, who moved to Rome in the fourth season of the series, to return to Paris.

We will fight hard. We ask them to stay in Paris! It doesn't make sense for “Emily in Paris” to be in Rome [játszódna]

– The French president said that the series about the fictional American character moving to Paris has a beneficial effect on French tourism and, in his opinion, presents Paris in a good light, which is why the issue is important to him.

Meanwhile, the French president isn't the only one who loves the hit series, which was recently renewed for a fifth season: according to the mayor of Rome, Emily has a good standing in his city.

Dear Emmanuel Macron, don't worry! Emily has a good place in Rome. He can't control his heart, so we let him choose

Poked there Roberto Gualtieri to the French President who was surprised by Macron's reaction to the possibility of the fictional American character moving to Roma next season. He also asked the French President not to try to influence the creators of the series.

During the interview, Macron was also asked if he intended to appear in the series after his wife, and he replied that he was proud of his wife, then joked that she did not look as good as Brigitte Macron.