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Index – Abroad – Tourist bitten by Royal Guard horse at Buckingham Palace

Index – Abroad – Tourist bitten by Royal Guard horse at Buckingham Palace

It is no coincidence that there is a warning sign at the gate of Buckingham Palace, where guards on horseback guard the entrance: Be careful, horses can bite or kick, do not touch the trunk! A Chinese tourist ignored the ban and went: the guard's horse bit her arm, but so badly that the woman later fainted from the pain.

A popular tourist attraction is the Changing of the Guard, or simply taking pictures of the guards at the entrance to Buckingham Palace, the royal residence in London. However, all this is not a safe pastime, you should not get too close to the horses, as the sign on the palace gate warns:

Caution! Horses can kick or bite, do not touch their legs! Thank you!

Well, on Monday, a Chinese tourist ignored the warning and got right up to the guard on horseback to be photographed. The horse was convinced they had lunged at its aura and took a good bite out of the woman's right arm.

The bite must have been very painful, because the lady later fainted.

The guard sat on his horse with a stiff face, as if saying to himself: You didn't follow the rules, blame yourself!

As you know, the horse bite happened right under the warning sign…