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Index – Abroad – Western press concerned about Viktor Orban's new faction in the European Parliament

Index – Abroad – Western press concerned about Viktor Orban's new faction in the European Parliament

As Index reported, the new political formation called “Patriots for Europe” could become the third most powerful group in the European Parliament. Its creation was announced in Vienna on Sunday morning by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Austrian Freedom Party leader Herbert Kickl and Czech ANO party leader Andrej Babis.

Viktor Orbán has previously stated that they are creating a political formation that “will split and soon become the largest faction of the European right.”

The Hungarian prime minister's new European formation will certainly include members, so it is no surprise that this announcement has caused great consternation among the European left. Mandarin I collected how the Western European press reported on the creation of the right-wing faction.

According to the newspaper, the formation of the Patriots for Europe includes, among other things: Free Europethat it Euractifon And guardian He has also been called a “far-right extremist”. In one article, some people wrote that “Orban belongs to the same group as the Austrian and Czech ultras”.

The articles also expressed concern that the policies of the Hungarian prime minister and his allies were too “anti-European.”

It is feared that the new faction will destroy liberal democracy, adding to the uncertainty in the European Union.

a timesSince they do not consider it unlikely that the AfD would also join this faction, the party would therefore be “unacceptable”. According to Fidesz, this proposal has not even been put forward, as the AfD has already indicated that it does not want to join the group, and it is also possible that it could create some of its own factions.

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a European interest According to his proposal, the new faction will not influence European politics from then on. In the faction Only Viktor Orbán holds a government position, and the group would have few representatives in the European Parliament anyway. The faction’s creation is also reported to weaken the European right, and pose a challenge to the two right-wing groups, the ECR and ID.

According to Mandiner, the right-wing European People's Party should be more concerned, as recent research by the Millennium Challenge Corporation has shown that left-wing decisions are consistently made on important issues.