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Index – Culture – Massacre on the train, the end of the world, greed

Index – Culture – Massacre on the train, the end of the world, greed

You can't step into the same river twice, unless your name is Mark Knopfler and the river is the Tyne. It is also the name of the bridge built by the new former Dire Straits boss, One deep river It can be seen on the cover of his album, but the focus is not on the river, but on the bridge that crosses it, which was opened in 1928. In fact, Mark Knopfler does not descend into the same river, but crosses its bridge countless times. The album is strongly reminiscent of 2018 Down the road whereverAnd in many ways, the trappings of a Dire Straits career, but that's okay, in fact, if we admit it, we really want to hear Knopfler's distinctive, crisp guitar style again.

The river cuts it into two parts

The subtle wit, reimagining of English blues and melancholic folk he's perfected over the past half-century make him one of the world's finest guitarists. It's been thirty-three years since Dire Straits released their last album, and twenty-eight years have passed Post it Mark Knopfler's first solo album. By 2024, he had released more albums under his name than his previous band. And of course, Dire Straits' flavor and signature sound remained on his game throughout. Knopfler is instantly recognizable even after a few sounds. The best part is that he can tell stories not only through his solo tracks, but also through his lyrics. the Tunnel 13 A Western song whose harsh, lyrical story begins at the beginning of the last century. In the Siskiyou Mountains, an old railroad runs through the gold of the maples and the green of the pines…

The bridge is very close

The story revolves around the D'Autremont brothers who attacked a train that was not carrying gold, killing everyone in retaliation. Also killed were mailman Elvin Daugherty, engineer Sidney Bates, brakeman Quill Johnson, and firefighter Marvin Singh. Then, in the arc of the song, we suddenly hear a reflection of present-day Los Angeles, and then the text mentions a giant pine tree, next to which were sitting four people, the crew of the mail train, Leaving behind widows, children and heartache. He added that the mammoth pine tree from which Knopfler's guitar was made and which he plays this particular song on was cut down from this place. This is how the story ends. It was no coincidence that Bob Dylan played A slow train is coming On his classic album, he was clearly influenced by Dylan's balladry.

Knopfler's dark, manly voice has not worn out, and the fact that he is seventy-five can only be inferred from the fact that he dwells mainly in the past, but at this age this can be forgiven. Particularly interesting is that the crime case known as the Siskiyou Massacre is performed by his orchestra with delicate instruments and softly swaying harmonicas. And yes, there are not many dynamic recordings on the album, but no one is waiting any longer Sultan of Swinget al Money for nothingGet it, but at the same time the dynamics are fun Zabbaleen SquareNak, the album opener Two pairs of handsTo and that Before the match-for me too.

Depth control

The most dynamic songs are found in the first part of the album, and there is no doubt that the show slows down as time goes on, but it is so much fun that we not only want to travel across the Tyne Bridge, but also see the songs. Sunset at his feet. Just like the photographer who made the album cover did. And if we already think of the bridge between cultures and generations, as a symbol, then the sunset can also be a symbol, the passage of time, with which Knopfler elegantly comes to terms and continues to make music elegantly. The album is not a concept album, but the eternal topos of the journey loosely binds the songs together.

Slow water

Not only Tunnel 13 Put the train in place, however Before my train comes Also and This won't end wellHe sings about the excessive consumption and greed that threaten the world – and he also mentions ships and planes. Conducted with backup accompaniment, country tours tell the story of a lifelong journey, the weariness of which Mark Knopfler finds relief while performing the songs. It is sung by This won't end wellIn that this whole thing that's going on in our world ends badly for everyone, but as long as fun albums like this are being produced, there's still hope.

Mark Knopfler: One Deep River


12 songs, 52 minutes
