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Index – Culture – The Golden Bull series is the worst thing to happen to culture in 2022

Index – Culture – The Golden Bull series is the worst thing to happen to culture in 2022

There are those shows that we leave running in the background just to help us sleep. This is the Formula 1 time experience on the weekend after lunch, or even all the tutorials on the History Channel. Hungarians also seem to be envious of drool-worthy TV shows like power naps, because the six parts golden bull– a series, which – alas – can be most appreciated when it is already a restful sleep that we have.

This is annoying for several reasons.

On the one hand, not a lot of money coston the one hand, it features actors we enjoy watching (in anything else), and on the other hand, we need works that deal with galactic history.

  • But not like that.
  • No.

It was coined by Muhammed Mabogar Sarr The most secret people’s memory In his book, it is a greater crime to misread (i.e. interpret) a work of fiction than not to read it at all. Following the same train of thought:

It is a greater sin to talk about boring Hungarian historical elements in the wrong form than if we did nothing.

Knowing history is essential in order to have a future, thus making young people fall in love with Tor is essential. So launching a six-part series about a Golden Bull that renders the reception uninteresting in almost every way is not a good way to go. This is topped by the fact that the interpretation of the information intended for transmission is very questionable, but more on that later.

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I only realized at the end of the sixth part of the target audience of this work. The number of people watching TV is declining, and the vast majority of young people spend their free time watching other platforms. However, it would be important for the high school age group to have a documentary series that adds color and conveys dry historical facts with exciting images, surrounded by famous actors. This way, everyone can learn while having fun.

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On the other hand, the Aranybulla series is best suited for the fact that, for example, if a history teacher was fired at a school for civil disobedience, who, for lack of the best choice, can suddenly be replaced only by an art teacher, you can view these six episodes.

However, when watching the series, the intent and end result seem far from each other. Because I am absolutely sure that no one wants to make a boring and incomprehensible story that does more harm than good.

Because in addition to kilometers away from the viewer’s love for history, it is golden bull Six parts equal to the crime against the Hungarian cinematic representation. The latter can be modified without any exaggeration. Many Hungarian films, artists and creators are struggling to prove to the public that characters cannot be portrayed solely on screen as amateur actors.

the golden bull Rejecting decades of work, it is clearly useful from the point of view of drawing attention to a fact: as a director, it is not just a concept that has to be reproduced on screen. Because

At best, the directors’ job is also to manage the actors.

László Kriskó fails in this task. In the six episodes, many of our actors have appeared in smaller and larger roles, who, though socialized on set, are now uninteresting. The performance of talented actors is fundamentally no different from the performance of those who cannot be saved from failure even by decent acting. Art here is just a place for narration.

Sight is disturbingly sterile

Next to dirty faces, fresh, crisply ironed, snow-white drapes (in nylon guise), fine shirts, and impeccable clothes. Actors in new costumes glide across the clean floors. Looking at the scenery and costumes, it’s very hard to believe that XII. We are in the century. I could swear I saw an IKEA cushion cover under a dying person – but that could just be a shocking sight. But the scene is not only incomprehensible from this point of view.

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Cinematography (Zoltán Csincsi) suffers from the least of the problems. I really looked for the positives in the film, and it can be said that sometimes – especially in the cutscenes where we only see pictures of nature – there were beautiful moments.

But still, the cut ruined that, too.

One of my colleagues said that mowing is like “falling on your mother’s curtains with scissors.” It is very hard to believe that what we saw was the work of Laszlo Hargitay. It is realistic to imagine that he entrusted the task to a very excited five-year-old, who could only continue to watch his favorite cartoons after the work was done. In a worse case, we can consider the practice of cutting in the era of Vajna, when the last step is taken by the one who gives the money.

Not very hard granite is Golden Ball

Even the structure is a major flaw in the six 25-minute episodes. From what you see, you can feel a kind of lack of ideas and confusion. Maybe they thought the combo would solve everything.

The upside to the latter is that Ákos Kőszegi was asked to voice. His tone is always and always pleasant. But the alternation of script, fictional scenes, interviews, and chronicler accounts make the film difficult to follow and the dramatic intent almost incomprehensible.

But if we pass the test, we won’t get a reward either. You don’t have to be a historian to feel that the story is lame. The series appears to serve the purpose of II. Andras should appear likable, wise and of course “a reformist thinker ahead of his time, a ruler who represents true Christian values”.

However, it is not clear what purpose is served by shaping history according to their whims and preference of the ruler—whose faults are also described as virtues. But even if we accuse the creators – which in any case does not make sense – of wanting to strengthen the current government – because every historical work is also a message – then even this intention will go astray. We understand:

  • The opposition is bad
  • Boycott is good
  • If we act in the name of Christianity, we cannot be evil,
  • Bula foreigners, but not even the people of Merano, gone,
  • Hungarians do not believe in killing queens, it is characteristic of the Balkans.

But how do they explain that we should not like the Hungarian gentlemen who steal the country’s wealth?

the golden bull– the series became divisive, but the creators gave a lot of reasons for this. It is an interesting experiment to make a kind of history channel series from the stormy centuries of Hungarian history. If the end result isn’t quite like that, perhaps we can say it was worth it. That just leaves the question. Deserves all the effort?