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Index – Culture – This is how the love song turned into a Nazi hate anthem

Index – Culture – This is how the love song turned into a Nazi hate anthem

Neo-Nazi propaganda has been misusing a song originally about love for years. This week, a group of young people sang a Nazi version of the song in the campini bar “Boni”. Instead of talking about the most beautiful feeling in the world, they sang “Germany for the Germans, foreigners, get out.” The State Security Bureau (NDR) is investigating the case – writes A Bild.

a Love always (In Hungarian love forever) The mega hit is 23 years old. It was written by Italian star Gigi D'Agostino (56) and sung by British-Nigerian singer Ola Onabole. One line reads:

I don't have a choice, I belong in your life.

On 14 October 2023, neo-Nazis gathered at a nightclub in the village of Bergholz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, after a Thanksgiving festival. While from the speakers Love always He said Nazi slogans were sung instead of the actual lines: “Germany belongs to the Germans, foreigners, out.” The note containing the written text was posted via TikTok and spread among the far right. The song became a veritable hate anthem. The tune is catchy and has been known for years. The rest of the work is done by TikTok.

NDR notes that footage similar to the video from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern soon began circulating.

On TikTok, right-wing users often simply caption these videos with “new German national anthem” or “444.” The numeric code refers to the fourth letter of the alphabet. The three D's mean “Germany belongs to the Germans”.

D’Agostino explained on Saturday that “A Love always My song is about feeling great. This is its only meaning.”