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Index – Economy – Hungarian owned company can deliver gas to the Russian part

Index – Economy – Hungarian owned company can deliver gas to the Russian part

The European Union has given the Republic of Denster to buy gas between February 1 and February 10. This is because Russia stopped transporting natural gas to Europe via Ukraine at the end of last year, causing the energy crisis in the region – I reported Bloomberg.

The region, which has been adopted for more than two decades on free Russian gas, said that the Prime Minister of Moldova Doreen Rayban rejected an additional grant for the European Union of 60 million euros because it was required to increase the consumer tariff.

The solution chosen by the Tiraspoli system means that the residents of the area outside DNIESter will continue to live in the inability to predict and should be concerned about gas supplies. This is a solution that does not solve the problem in the long run

The minister said.

According to the President of the State, the MET Group will deliver the gas to the borders of Moldova, and Moldovasaz will redirect the energy company to the region under an agreement with the pocket distributor, tispoltransgaz. It is planned that the general JNX company, which is taken by Swiss, will pay most of them, by Jnx General Trading, while TiraaspoltransGaz will push moldovagaz to moldovaz.

It is expected that the transport of 3 million cubic meters of gas per day will start on February 13 and last for 16 days, according to the port.

In briefing, Met Group, he wrote that he is ready to transport gas at any liquid point in Europe, including Moldova. However, this can only happen if the Ukrainian gas transport system operator is ready for transportation.

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Moldovazgaz did not want to comment on the details of the agreement and JNX did not answer the questions. Vadim Krasnosseski, the leader of the region, thanked the Russian Ministry of Energy as a telegram, as the transport has become a “Russian loan and support”.

The agreement will be final if the MET group is convinced that shipments do not violate the sanctions and that Ukraine does not hinder the region.