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Index – Economy – Mihály Varga declared, reviewing the expenses of the National Hungary Bank

Index – Economy – Mihály Varga declared, reviewing the expenses of the National Hungary Bank

Millie Fraga, head of the new central bank of the National Hungary, said on Wednesday that I will increase the administrative discipline of the Central Bank and review and rationalize expenditures. Posted on X In his position He also emphasized that an important goal for the new driving of the central bank is to reduce the bank's operating expenses,

Responsible agriculture and economic process.

Last year, Prime Minister VikTor ORBán decided to appoint Mihály Varga at the head of the National Hungary. Accordingly, the former finance minister took on Batton on Tuesday. It was also highlighted previously, Forenet reached five months later.

The former minister has already explained:

The independence of the National Bank of Hungary is guaranteed by law, according to Miley Farga, “The main purpose of MNB is to achieve and preserve prices stability.”

Accordingly, Mihály Varga stressed in his release on Tuesday that we will provide a specific answer to any danger that exposes the goal of inflation, financial stability and sustainable economic development. According to the new MNB president, the Hungarian economy depends on a stable basis, favorable growth prospects, and the liquidity of families, companies and the banking system is strong.