According to the reports of the National Water Directorate (OVF), the amount of water stored in the snow is at a low point in the Danube basin, and there is almost no snow in Tessa. HVG. This may also affect the spring floods – it will not be specifically – but how it will affect the water supply for local rivers more difficult to predict.
According to András Csík, head of the National Water Water Service, which works within the framework of the OVF management of hydrography and river ponds management, it is only estimated that the two basin of the Great River River, but it is certain, based, based on local and international measurements. In January and February, there was almost no rain, but the last period did not bring much rain, so there is almost no backup in the regions.
The Danube River basin ranges from 10 to 30 millimeters of multi -year average, at a level of TISZA at an unimaginable level on graphs.
Although this is a relatively more common thing than TISZA, as it has happened several times over the past two decades, it is now more and more in both rivers is placed less in the river basin.
The economic analyst of water at GáBor Ungvári believes that this is the reason for the climate change clearly, more accurately in the most intense radiance, the increasing temperature, the decreasing relative identification of air, and the increasing evaporation. “Between 1990 and 2020, the average amount of water evaporated from the surface increased by more than 8 percent and more than 50 millimeters. This means that every square meter of the country remained less than 50 liters by the end of the year from rain or waterways,” We learned from the study of BME 2023.
According to experts, the rear products of floods and sewage systems can be a solution to the problem, which increases the level of groundwater and has many benefits.