The country's largest catering company, HunGast, wants to make buffet-style school meals popular, and rates its pilot project as a huge success, writes The Guardian. from right to left. Zsolt Bajer, the company's business development manager, spoke at a press conference about the successes of the company's free selection project, which began in the spring of 2023 in 24 schools.
Based on what we have seen abroad, the buffet system could also work well in schools, and initial experiments quickly demonstrated that it could have a right to exist in the country, and perhaps could truly revolutionize public catering.
– The company president revealed.
Since September, 12,000 students from 40 institutions have been able to try out the free pilot, the results of which are being continuously evaluated by HunGast, and additional schools will participate in the trial.
The rest disappears
With the buffet system, they were able to reduce the amount of leftover food by about half, and in this way the children could be taught not to waste food, and to always eat only as much food as they can eat. This is also important because
Today in Hungary, 27 percent of food in public restaurants becomes waste, i.e. more than 50,000 tons out of 200,000 tons annually.
HunGast's Communications Manager also reported this In the following academic year Therefore, more schools can join the initiative The number of students receiving buffet meals may double to 24-25 thousand.
It was also said at the press conference that the Swedish experiences were not copied and introduced into Hungarian schools, but rather they tried to adapt the foreign model to the customs here.