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Index – FOMO – The righteous genius who wasn’t even influenced by the Pope

Index – FOMO – The righteous genius who wasn’t even influenced by the Pope

One of the smartest generals in the world, Corsica-born Napoleon, can be seen again in cinemas, because after countless cinematic adaptations, this year Ridley Scott also came up with his own version, starring Joaquin Phoenix.

Historians and artists have always been deeply interested in Napoleon’s military spirit, but it is not surprising that his life path and convictions were unparalleled not only in the history of France, but in the history of the entire world. On this day in 1804, in the presence of the Pope, the general, who was often ridiculed for his short stature, placed the crown on his head and, instead of saying that size was not what mattered, corrected the officers who had mocked his height, saying: “You are taller than me.” “With a head, but we can close the gap soon.”

Napoleon de Bonaparte was born in Corsica. After the French Revolution, he began his military career under the Jacobins, becoming commander-in-chief, then taking power from the Directory and becoming an increasingly selfish and tyrannical ruler. First, in 1802, he elected himself hereditary consul, and two years later emperor.

He carried out administrative, educational and legal reforms, and his civil code, the Napoleonic Code or Civil Code, is still in force with its amendments, which guarantees equality before the law, liberty of the individual, freedom of property, freedom of action, freedom of conscience, and the separation of church and state enshrined in law. This was not just a step in French history, although Napoleon did not think much about this science:

As a result of his continuous battles, every European country except Great Britain and Portugal became either his allies or vassals. But good luck and good judgment left him in 1812. He made a big mistake when he attacked Russia and lost most of his soldiers.

In 1813, he suffered a crushing defeat at Leipzig (Battle of the Peoples), was forced to resign and was exiled to Elba. But from there he returned in triumph for another 100-day reign, which ended in defeat at Waterloo. He has now been exiled to the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic, far enough away never to return. He died six years later, in 1821, at the age of 52, probably of stomach cancer. Test with us what you know about the (after) life of the most famous Corsican!

(Cover Photo: jacques louis david, His painting Bonaparte’s Crossing of St. Bernard’s Pass. picture: Diagostini/Getty Images)