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Index – Inside – Jellyfish have multiplied on the Adriatic Sea, and many tourists go to the beach with vinegar

Index – Inside – Jellyfish have multiplied on the Adriatic Sea, and many tourists go to the beach with vinegar

Croatia's climate, beautiful coastline and warm sea are a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world, but the country's biggest advantage may soon turn into its biggest drawback, according to the July 26 issue of Travel Magazine. Morning paper Croatian daily newspaper.

In bays, in shallow waters

On the Croatian coast in recent days temperature record Measured in the sea. The temperature of the Adriatic Sea has reached almost 30 degrees Celsius. The warm waters become an ideal environment for jellyfish, and every year their number in Croatian waters increases. The increasing number of jellyfish affects the ecosystem of the local waters.

In the northern part of the Adriatic, due to the heat, the number of jellyfish is increasing, especially in the bays where the water is shallower and warmer than average. Jellyfish already appeared near the beaches of the Adriatic at the end of June, and although their sting is painful, it is usually not dangerous.

Doctors recommend rinsing the area that was stung by a jellyfish with seawater and then applying a cold compress.

If the wound does not open, you can apply apple cider vinegar compresses to it, or you can go to the nearest doctor's office, where he will prescribe you a steroid cream and an antibiotic to help the injury heal as quickly as possible.

Tell For Croatian Public Television (HRT), Ivan Stejic is a general practitioner from Sibenik.

If symptoms are severe

In most cases, redness, mild pain, burning, itching, or a throbbing sensation may occur. Professionals according to Immediate medical attention is required if the following complaints are detected:

  • difficulty breathing,
  • Source,
  • Muscle cramps,
  • blisters on skin
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Difficulty swallowing,
  • increased sweating
  • stomachache.
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The severity of symptoms depends on several factors, in addition to the type of jellyfish, the victim's age, weight, health, and the location of the sting. Children and the elderly should pay special attention to complaints!