Ildiko was a first-year documentary filmmaker student at the University of the Arts, when one of his professors brought a new, newly produced film to one of his classes. He said to watch it and then talk about it.
This was it We never diethe first direction of Robert Koltai.
At that time, Ildiko had only one idea, which he expressed at university: love flows from every frame of this film. Ildiko had no idea that exactly thirty years later he would be working on a book about the films of Robert Koltai, winner of the Jaszai-Marie Prize, and would not only demand him as a film director, but also as the director of his life. a partner.
Filmmaker and journalist Gal Ildiko, Robert Koltai’s partner, recalled his memories at the Magvito Café Film book kultai 80 In presenting the book. He added: “Perhaps self-expression lends itself in this way, and the study is explained by the fact that the book covers about fifteen of Robert Koltai’s films and the last of nearly thirty years, mainly from a cinematic approach.”
Robert Koltai A We never die Regarding the creation of the film, he said that the character of Uncle Jayosi had been in his head for a long time. He didn’t know why, but he felt, and sometimes expressed it, that one day this would become a movie. He doesn’t know why either, because even when he was young he was happy if he could play a role. And also because he was able to complete his acting studies. Of the writers he knew, only Gábor Nogrady took the idea of Uncle Giuszy seriously.
“He was interested, and he saw fiction in it. He recorded the story on a tape recorder, and it took 8 years after the first conversation before it became a script. We talked and argued a lot before we finished the film. I think it’s a storybook thing that an actor playing in a film could direct.” I’m eighty years old, but thirty is a long time and people still watch it and love it We never die success story.”
Anyone can say anything
Koltai has collaborated with musicians László Dés and Ferenc Darvas in his films. According to the theater artist who has yet to win the Kosuth Prize, it is imperative that Des not only be a giant as a musician, but as a director as well. According to him, Football, or live May 1st! In the film, László Dés had great success during filming. They all needed his strictness.
Robert Koltai has many films credited to Miklos Vamos, they worked together a lot. Ildiko Gal told a story about this, according to which Ruby dates his status as a film director from a telephone conversation with Vamos.
Miklos Vamos called him and told him not to care about anyone’s opinion, anyone could say anything, it was Robert Koltai, the actor, now a film director. This was after Never Die. This gave Rob a huge boost to keep going.
His second film, Samba The screenplay was also written by Miklós Vámos, who was a bit dissatisfied that the boy played by László Görög did not portray the manic depression he had written about in the book.
With Krysztian Grecso A The ship is moving They worked together in the film and according to Koltai, they both lived a very busy period, almost “running” in the corridors. In addition, Christian writes self-criticism about himself in the book. I was much more satisfied with his work than he was. “I was and still am happy to have him here.”
Krysztian Grecso remembers working together differently and, according to him, they worked together in hotel rooms. He pointed out that he no longer tells how sports betting took place in parallel and in all quantities. According to him, the film was a great success, but it was a failure for him personally. “If anyone had an identity movie, it would be me, and I should have died in it, and I should have shown it to Rob after he died, too. So my job was to write my own book on the search for identity.
There is no stopping, it works continuously
In conversation, of course The minister steps aside It was also discussed. Koltai said it is not among his top four films, but he is proud of it. He is happy that about 700,000 viewers watched it in cinemas, which he says is a record to this day.
The actor, who has not yet received the Kossuth Prize, has been working continuously in recent months, in the summer they filmed a movie We’re killing tonight Crime comedy. “It has all the big, interested actors,” he said. At the book launch party, Dementia spots Also, in which Koltai plays an elderly man suffering from dementia. In addition, a television movie was produced in which Robert Koltai continues the story of Prince Bluebeard.
At the end of the event, the organizers welcomed Robert Koltai, who will turn eighty years old on December 16, 2023, with a cake.
(Cover photo: Robert Koltai Photo: Adrian Hornyak)