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Index – Local – The Hungarians living in Great Britain speak of a ramshackle country

Index – Local – The Hungarians living in Great Britain speak of a ramshackle country

Boris Johnson on Monday sought to avoid a collapse in British healthcare by ordering a complete lockdown. On Tuesday, Hungary unexpectedly lifted the ban on landing flights from the United Kingdom. With the end of the airspace mass, the WizzAir flight was launched from Budapest to London on Tuesday and Wednesday. RyanAir also planned, but ultimately didn’t release a machine. EasyJet canceled its flight.

Varja, an aviation expert, said the fact that Hungarian Airlines launched only one plane to London on its most used route, rather than the usual three flight pairs per day, shows that only those who really cared about traveling to Great Britain. According to him, the lifting of the ban does not pose any danger, since Hungarians working abroad will make the journey with several transfers.

Business and private visits are made impossible due to the UK’s mandatory 10-day quarantine.

WizzAir has also prepared its riders to tighten entry requirements. According to our information, there were no disturbances at the London airport – Luton or Ferihegy.

Empty shelves and home office

Schools only opened for a day when British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suddenly announced a bribe order. Hungarians living in Great Britain unanimously claim that the epidemiological situation is dangerous and that this is mainly due to a loosely managed quarantine. As a result of the current distress, it is only possible to move away from home to work and eat.

A reader who lives in the London area reported that while in Hungary the authorities are strictly monitoring compliance with home quarantine, in the UK they are not paying as much attention. However, the streets of Basildon, a small town east of London, do indeed feel austere. Public places are empty and there is little to no road traffic. Although the stores weren’t looted like they were in the spring, a buildup of foodstuffs in the house has begun. Refueling of English permanent food, especially frozen goods. For this reason, the Walmart chain, for example, has limited the quantity that a particular product can buy to three. There is no shortage of toilet paper.

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According to Tamas, the youth did not abide by protection measures at all during the holidays. There was a wild party at 107,000 Basildon. By ordering a bribe lock and aggressive acceleration of infection, people are stunned and seem to be taking compliance more seriously.

Working from home in Scotland since March

Andrea has lived in the suburbs of Glasgow for 14 years. Although he lived only 5 minutes away from his workplace, he was unable to enter the office even before the current tightening order was issued. He has been working from home since the first wave of the pandemic. In Scotland, since the spring of 2020, the majority of office workers have switched to full-time work at home. For this reason, they find it increasingly difficult to tolerate confinement. Andrea said the Scottish government has been reacting very consistently to the alternating waves of the virus, while London has taken confusing, delayed and ill-considered measures.

The number of infected people is very high because the London government has been unable to monitor the spread of the virus mutation that appears during the holidays.

Andrea said it was amazing that while the entire island nation was closed, the borders remained open. And with the air movement, the new shape can spread smoothly. Moreover, the bribery lock does not limit the British love for tourism. A vacation is allowed without restrictions in an overseas tourist paradise.

They are past Christmas

Andrea said the rampant shopping fever before Christmas would have greatly worsened the epidemic without the new coronavirus mutating. It was expected that after the holiday, hospitals would be saturated and the country closed again. In Scotland, things are much more orderly than London is handling the pandemic nationwide. Dominated Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In the three parts of the country, it was decided earlier and in a coordinated manner to slow the spread of the virus.

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Zoltan, who lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, says people understand austerity and follow the rules, but it is very annoying to be locked up again. For those who have had to go on compulsory leave due to the shortage, the state pays 80 percent of the overtime wage. Although Johnson’s government will, in principle, only maintain the current austerity through January, Zoltan said everyone in Scotland is confident that this will continue until spring at least, and that the only way out will be through vaccination.

What does the mutated virus mean and why is the Hungarian vaccine good?

Although the British were the first in the world to receive the vaccine, the vaccination plan is being amended day by day by the London government. It is not known who will be vaccinated after the elderly, and it is also doubtful that the vaccination will be repeated after 6 or 12 weeks. Politically, Brexit and the pandemic have peaked at the same time. The two historical crises gave a new impetus to Scottish independence aspirations.

Hungarians in England about lockdown: This could hurt Boris Johnson's career

School closures are the most painful restrictions that take effect at dawn.

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