Almost a Monica Show-Reminds us of this huge drama.
the Asia Express After the adventure reality show that aired on Friday evening garrulous displays Also, where the rising tension between Anett Béres, Emese Sáfrány, Angi Zsigmond and Bende Mészáros came to the surface. For example, Angie Zigmond got so upset at one point that he walked out of the studio. The former villa resident made no secret of how angry he was with the young people: he looked home in shock at the way the lovers spoke about them during the show.
Often times I feel like I'm in kindergarten and the kids want to make fun of us. They want to harm me with my appearance, appearance, and age. I'm 42, I don't think that's even close to 50. His mother is also 42, so I think she is also getting older as she gets older. The fact that the biggest failure in my life is not having a family, I don't think it has anything to do with my participation in Asia Express or this game.
– stated Pires, adding that he also did not understand why Zsigmond told him that his “mouth was upside down,” while his lips were filled with flu vaccine.
Zsigmond couldn't bear to listen to this anymore, so he decided to get out of the studio. Meanwhile, Peres continued:
No kidding, I just saw what they said about us on TV. Stop joking, Angie! Stop lying, please! You are a medical condition!
The young influencer finally returned to his seat at the request of Emese Sáfrány, and even then Attila Till tried to reconcile him with the former reality show actress, while Nora Ordug was barely able to speak. Peres ended the argument by standing up to apologize, and Bendi Meszaros did the same, looking deep into his eyes.
Is this for TV or for me?
– The blonde asked him to be safe, adding that he was an vengeful type, so if he got hurt he would always hit him back.
And finally, to Zsigmond and Béres He managed to reconcileThey apologized to each other with a hug. They even jokingly discussed that all they had to do was unblock Instagram…