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Index – Meanwhile – Edina Balogh and Simone Szabo have moved in twice: “We currently have two shared houses and two bases”

Index – Meanwhile – Edina Balogh and Simone Szabo have moved in twice: “We currently have two shared houses and two bases”

The couple does not deny that this alignment is difficult for them at times, but they know that this is the best solution at the present time.

Edina Balogh and Simone Szabo, who are both VIP Farm They met last season. The lovers recently moved in together, but not in a very conventional way: they have two houses at the same time, one in the city center and the other in Garden City near Budapest.

“I keep saying I’m not a garden city type, I’m known for being downtown, but I love being here too. I found the house too when Edina and I were looking for it. We fell in love instantly, there was no doubt,” he took us on a tour of their home. Story MagazineSimon Szabo, who enjoys the time he spends there as a vacation. However, it is quite a long distance from his children's school in the city center, which is why another apartment was also needed, where it would be easier for the actor to bring and take the young children.

“In addition, the time they spend together as a trio is also very important to him. So, at this moment we have two shared homes, two bases. And that's very boring and problematic. There's a lot of packing and logistics, because there's no place where we can say that this is our shared home.

It bothers me that we can't live together fully, and it's hard for me that Simon sleeps in Best.

“At the same time, I know this is the best solution we can come up with right now,” his lover said, adding that he also loves the beautiful setting of their garden home.

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“It's so nice to bake and cook together, while the kids run around. It's busy, but life here is so peaceful and beautiful.”

The move and the absence of the actress is not easy for Zabo either, but he knows that this is just a temporary period, while his children are very young, and then they plan to buy a house together.

“It’s also not good for me that there are days when Edina isn’t by my side. Or how there is a home and a house. But at the same time, it’s also good that we can always decide what we want. When the four days come every two weeks that we can spend just the two of us, we usually decide to go to the capital, and I can see that Edina also likes to walk around there. We go to the movies, have dinner. At that time, there’s no problem with a glass of wine, because you don’t have to drive home.”

Fortunately, the couple's children got to know each other, they say, and the little ones quickly found a common voice with each other.

“The kids have similar temperaments, so they get along well, and that's the most important thing for us.”

(via 24.He)

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