In the action movie Borderlands, Cate Blanchett will play a character named Lilith. The film is directed by Ellie Roth, who is famous for his horror films, and it was revealed a few months ago that it would also feature comedian Kevin Hart. And now we also know that the filming location will only be Budapest. Filming will begin at the end of 2021.
Adam Goodman, owner of the Hungarian production company MidAtlantic Films, owns The Hollywood Reporter Talk about itIt “considers it a great achievement to be able to continue working despite all the challenges” and that we will be filming the third season of the Jack Ryan series and a Marvel production that he cannot talk about yet “for safety reasons”.
By the way, Borderlands was generally well received by the gaming community, but just on social sites many have questioned whether Cate Blanchett, 51, is really the best choice for a Lilith character at around 30. Many say that despite the fact that Blanchett is in good shape and still very beautiful, the young actress would still have been better in this role.
Incidentally, the game takes place in the desert, the rocky planet of Pandora, so the shooting is likely in the studio, so it is not very likely that we will be able to see anything from the Budapest buildings, as in the case of many Hollywood films that were shot with us.