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Index – offshore – 49 dolphins landed in New Zealand

Index – offshore – 49 dolphins landed in New Zealand

Round-headed dolphins have landed at low tide off the coast of New Zealand at Farewell Spit on the South Island. On Monday morning local time, a tour operator noticed the 49 had problem toothpicks. The country’s Nature Protection Agency said nine samples from the team had already been destroyed.

They go to great lengths to help the dolphins right away

Sixty-five conservation rangers and a number of volunteers are working there to cool and moisturize the bodies of animals grown on the coastal sand and return them to the deep waters with the tide.

The announcement revealed that the operation was led by the nonprofit Jonah Project.

This is not the first case of its kind in the Farewell Spit, it is no coincidence that it is called a “dolphin trap” because

Aquatic mammals often hang on to a slightly steep shore.

There are a number of speculations about why dolphins throw ashore: Some explain that by searching for prey, they get too close to shore, others see that they are protecting an injured member of the team, or that the dolphins themselves are fleeing a predator.

Four years ago, hundreds of round-headed dolphins were trapped on the Farewell Spit coast, over three hundred and fifty of them were killed, but nearly three hundred were saved.

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