The Americans presented a record number of British citizenship last year, especially in the last quarter of 2024. This period coincides with the US presidential elections on November 5, when former President Donald Trump managed to win the center again, CNN reported.
According to The Feed, a total of 6,100 US requests were requested in 2024, according to data from the Ministry of Interior in the United Kingdom, of which 1700 were received in the last quarter. As a result, the previous records of each year and the entire quarter have decreased since the start of the data in 2004, when only 3000 of these were presented.
They add that there is a similar rise in the first half of 2020, analysts said that Donald Trump's tax changes were performed. Mostly, this affected by the American citizens who have been living in the United Kingdom for a long time.
While many who resigned from their nationality complained about their dissatisfaction with the political atmosphere of the United States, their decision is often due to taxes
Alexeer Pambridge, a Pambridge accounting partner, said in August 2020.
CNN indicates that this phenomenon was also observed in the United Kingdom when the European Union left the country in 2016. After leaving, the number of British citizens who wanted to obtain an Irish passport doubled to maintain their previous rights in free work and travel within the union.
However, there are some in the political situation of their country who saw the opportunity. In Sardinia, a small Italian village, Ollay, is trying to employ new residents specifically for these people.
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He writes to attract Western immigrants side City.