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Index – Outside – Clerk covers it, takes back the bribe from the mayor

Index – Outside – Clerk covers it, takes back the bribe from the mayor

A health aide at the local mayor’s office in Gorges County, Romania, filed a bizarre request: he returned the bribe he had paid to hire him, and the Home Office reported the offense. Transindex.

Erinelle Kottogman is officially asking Ionoy Stan, the mayor of Albini, to return the money she requested from her during the three years she worked in the mayor’s office.

The recipient of the bribe also named each item separately with the sums he believed the mayor owed:

  • He was paid 3,000 euros when he was working for three years,
  • 1,000 lei (about 73,000 forints at today’s exchange rate) and twenty liters of white wine given to the mayor in 2019,
  • He had to pay 500 lei (36,400 Ft) to the mayor to sign documents for additional benefits for treating coronavirus infection.

There is also one last item: the aide here asks the mayor as often as he deems appropriate, in exchange for six months of work in the mayor’s villa in Silvasarli. Cotojman notes in the petition that once he receives these sums, he wishes to resign.

By the way, the assistant, who is now about to give up his employee status, did not stop writing the application, but went even further:

He filed a criminal report against the mayor and filled out community media with recordings in which the municipal manager admitted she had lubricated.

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