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Index – Pilfold – Laszlo Kovier: The primitive power of survival of the Hungarians did not allow the fulfillment of destiny

Index – Pilfold – Laszlo Kovier: The primitive power of survival of the Hungarians did not allow the fulfillment of destiny

on the second Saturday. The evangelicals of the region hold the pilgrimage of the Hungarians in Barkasag and Keralivold-Ksango: the event began with a pilgrimage and a church service and continued with cultural programs throughout the day, MTI reports.

Laszlo Kövier recalled in his speech on the square next to the Lutheran Church: In 1489, King Matthias ordered the measures of height and weight used in Brasov in Transylvania to be used in order to put an end to the fraud achieved by the various units of measure. . The Speaker pointed out that even today there is something in Barkasaj that would be useful to put forward as a standard for the whole of Europe: the “pattern of basic survival force”, which lies more in the dance of the Hungarian Csangó’s boreca men than in Barkasaj.

The boureka dance has been banned several times, for example, István Ráb Zagzoni wrote bitterly in 1861 that the boureka has gone to the grave with many other ancient holidays – but the boureka always rises again, like the people of Csangós of Barcaság, who still dance it Today, and today also it draws its strength from it,” said Laszlo Kover, who believed that this primordial birth force was and will be necessary.

He stated that the Fourth of July would be the anniversary of the Battle of Bratislava in 907, which militarily concluded the process of the Hungarian invasion, when the Hungarians achieved a decisive victory over the armies of the Bavarian Margrave, who led the united western armies, and then the Latin proverb was born – “Ugros Eliminandos esse” – which states the liquidation of Hungarians.

The ill-fated hotel has beguiled the nation many times in the past thousand years, but the primordial galactic survival force did not allow the destiny to be fulfilled. at the cost of great sacrifices, sufferings and losses, but the power of collective action of the Hungarians proved stronger than the powers that wanted to tear them apart

– emphasized Laszlo Kövier, adding: They are still trying to temporarily expel the Hungarians, and the recent ouster of the Hungarian-Romanian Democratic Union (RMDSZ) from the government in Bucharest shows this, “The leading party of the Hungarians in Romania, the RMDSZ, has been loyal to the Romanian state since its inception and loyal to the Hungarian nation; It adheres to Euro-Atlantic values ​​from its inception; since its inception, it has promoted political stability and ethnic peace in Romania and the Eastern European region.”

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Party chairman Clement Honore and the RMDSZ thanked the “professional work of the government”, and warned the association’s politicians not to forget the borica lesson, because it is also true in politics: those who are thought to have been pushed into the past, and always come back to life with renewed vigor.

Europe camps

Laszlo Kover also spoke of the fact that two camps are beginning to gather in Europe these days: the camp of common sense, which wants Europe to remain for the European people, and the camp that opposes it. He urged the Hungarians in Barkasaj to preserve the boreca dance by all means, “and to strengthen the Hungarian, Romanian, and European camp of common sense with their faith, action, and vote.”

After the church event, the Speaker told the public media: His presence on the pilgrimage primarily indicates that the motherland, the entire Hungarian community, is considering Csángos of Barcaság,” such events also prove to certain members of the community that he exists and has a future. This applies to all castes, but even more so to minority communities, where you have to fight for survival every day.”

Clement Honore: The pressure is great

Clement Honore, president of the Hungarian-Romanian Democratic Assembly (RMDSZ), said that at present there is a lot of pressure on the Hungarian community in Transylvania to belong somewhere.

We Hungarians in Transylvania have been standing here for hundreds of years and saying no. We do not belong somewhere, we belong here, we have a nation and a state. We have a homeland, we have a homeland.

He noted that the responsible Transylvanian Hungarian politician had three words in his dictionary that could not be replaced: home, survival and national identity. The homeland remains even if its people leave it, “The real question is whether we will remain, will we continue to live in the homeland, or will it remain an orphan on its own, as shown by the former Saxon villages not far from here. Traditions and faith are necessary for survival.”

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Kelemen Hunor believes that examples of this are the Csangós of Barcaság, who were warned of danger many times in the border region, and Pürkerec, which burned down in 1767, but whose church remained, which shows that the greatest support for a community is faith, “we must build A homeland that preserves the Hungarians.

Zoltán Adorjáni Dezs, bishop of the Romanian Organized Evangelical Lutheran Church, emphasized in his sermon that many residents of the region go abroad and return, and he believes that the most important thing is not to separate them from their homeland, and from society. . The pilgrims were also greeted by Ferenc Kirsch Gabor, head of the RMDSZ Brasó District, and Beschea Severius-Florin, the Romanian mayor of the village of Tatrag, who described them as the pride of the region and reassured the Csángos of Barcaság of their support.