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Index – Science Technology – This is the great opportunity to launch our name into space!

Index – Science Technology – This is the great opportunity to launch our name into space!

The opportunity to leave the Earth’s atmosphere and stay in space is given only to a few people, but now we can get out into space, albeit somewhat indirectly. NASA’s Europa Clipper is scheduled to launch in October 2024 His mission Its purpose is to find out if there could be places suitable for life under Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, which is why they will study the oceans and icy regions there. While they were doing this, they discovered that anyone could send their name into space by registering on the appropriate NASA website.

Our name is engraved on a small chip, and the chip is mounted on a metal plaque, where Ada Lemon, American Poet Laureate, is placed. In praise of mystery Also, his poem is entitled. The poem and names placed on the outside of the space probe will be like mail in a bottle, but this time the message will not be floating in a large body of water on Earth, but rather in the dark outer space. 700,000 people have already registered their names, and since it is only 75 nanometers long, it will be up to astronauts with good eyesight to read the names.

What’s the point of adventure if the text is almost unreadable?

It’s all just fun, as our unique identifier travels 2.6 billion kilometres. But NASA spokesmen also add that through this project they want to arouse people’s interest, as the Voyager probe did in 1977 by sending a time capsule of sounds and images that express the diversity of life on Earth.

If you’re excited about all this, you can register until December 31st on this on the roof.