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Index – science – the biggest enemy of a Hungarian woman is the mirror

Index – science – the biggest enemy of a Hungarian woman is the mirror

PopJohn, a Hungarian startup founded in 2021, creates exercises based on positive psychology that are simple, fun and can be done in just a few minutes a day. One year ago, the team started brainstorming for one person, the Hungarian Women On a questionnaire that determines their relationship to their body. From January to summer 2022, they worked on the project on a voluntary basis, then My mirror, my mirror. 7,500 responses to her online survey were received, which is enough to reveal: The average Hungarian woman’s relationship to her body is frustrating.

The first part of the research consists of simple questions to be determined, while the second part was based on the 1995 Physical Attitude Test (BAT). It turned out that more than half of the respondents

They do not like looking in the mirror, and they think that they are not beautiful in about the same proportion.

Based on the Hungarian survey Women More than 50 percent consider themselves obese, and three-quarters want to lose weight. Although the survey was asked primarily about being overweight, the comments show that according to a large portion of the respondents, a slim body shape can be as detrimental to self-confidence as a full figure. Many people think they can’t get to know each other or form a relationship because of their body, but even so, more than 50 percent of them have actually refused sexual intercourse – due to a lack of self-confidence.

However, nearly all of them (more than 90 percent) agreed that their bodies were worthy of love.

The sad numbers, this massive lack of self-esteem, shocked and inspired the start-up research company to take action. On the one hand, PopJohn has developed a phone app that can help women see themselves more beautiful, accept themselves and look in the mirror happier through exercises based on positive psychology – they are currently working on a special set of exercises. On the other hand, a large-scale event will be held next spring based on the results of the survey: experts, influencers and psychologists will present on the topic. The program aims to

He drew attention to the fact that false images and ideals transmitted by social media incredibly weaken people’s self-confidence.

According to some surveys, it’s almost impossible to see unfiltered photos on social media platforms anymore, and respondents don’t even like unfiltered photos – not even their own.

Survey data follows a more detailed treatment, because, as Írisz Babanics, co-founder and director of marketing at PopJohn said, is about respondents’ relationship with their body.

Now we only have a general picture, a sense.

Psychologists and researchers analyze participants based on their age, social and other conditions. The detailed analysis can be downloaded, and 10 body image exercises are available for free at

(Cover Photo: Fabian Sommer/Image Alliance/Getty Images)

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