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Index – Sports – A real expected star show in Budapest, a big show in MVM Dome

Index – Sports – A real expected star show in Budapest, a big show in MVM Dome

The external band announced the framework of 22 people on Friday, which will be attended by the Czech Republic on Friday.

As the Hungarian Federation announces, Connor Beddard, one of the largest and future stars, is also a team member, and he is already a score.

The striker was 1/1 of Chicago Black Hawk, with 22 goals and 39 passes in 68 games in 68 games. Two and individual youth champions, there was the U -20 World Cup with 23 points in 7 games. According to many writers, it will reach the largest levels, Win Gretzki and Sidney Crossby.

In addition, there is another draft 1/1 in the Canadian framework: Owen Power was chosen by Buffalo Sabrz in 2021, and Qurtbbeck became in the last two seasons.

He played in the gold medal team in the World Cup last year, returned to Budapest Adam Phantle, who was a third of the draft, scored 27 points in Columbus during the season, while he was injured.

Goalkeeper Jordan Bennington is the biggest name, the 30 -year -old goalkeeper won the Stanley Cup in 2019 with the St. Louis Blues team and also played in all Star Gala. There are a total of 321 NHL games.

Colon Paraiko, in 2019 as well, has been strengthened by St. Louis since then. It is one of the most experienced in the current framework: 659 regular seasons and 82 qualifiers, 71 goals, 220 decisive passes.

The third Stanley Cup winner is Bowen Piram. Corterboc has been chosen by Colorado Avalinch, a member of the championship team in 2022, but has since strengthened Bvalo.

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With the largest NHL routine, Damon Sverson is proud of visitors to Budapest: Columbus Qurtubbere played 730 games in the strongest league in the world, 68 goals and 226 decisive passes, and two silver in the World Cup.

The oldest Canadian frame is Brandon Tanif, 32, and there is 17 years of celebration of McLean, who is considered the first winner of this year.

A total of 5859 NHL games will appear in MVM Dome.

The match, which begins at 7 pm, is broadcast by M4 Sport, as you write MTI.

For the Hungarian national team at IHF Division IHF IHF IHF IHF IHF The season ends with a party against Canada, where the two teams compete in MVM Dome last year in a comfortable and unforgettable match, although we can prepare for the group. Tickets are already available from 7990 Forines To meet.

Canadian framework


  • Jordan Bennington (Saint Louis Blues)
  • Niko Douz (New Jersey Devils)
  • Joel Hoover (Saint Louis Blues)

Back guards:

  • Bowen Piram (Buffalo Sprers)
  • Kiden Gohli (Montreal Kindins)
  • Jimmy Olkiak (Seattle Cracks)
  • Colon Paraiko (St. Louis Blues)
  • Owen Power (Boufalo Sprers)
  • Damon Sevson (Blue Columbus jackets)
  • Olen Zellweger (Anheim Ducks)


  • Conor Beddard (Chicago Black Hook)
  • Michael Poning (Penguins in Pittsburgh)
  • McLean celebration (Boston University)
  • Dylan Cosins (Buffalo Sprers)
  • Adam Pantilli (Blue Columbus jackets)
  • My response (Senate members in Ottawa)
  • Dylan Gwenhir (Arizona Wolves)
  • Andrew Manjaban (Calgary fire)
  • Jack Police (Arizona Wolves)
  • Jared Macan (Seattle Cracks)
  • Dawson Mercer (New Jersey Devils)
  • Brandon Tanif (Seattle Cracks)